A Message from Mr Luman

Safety of our boys & our School Goals

The safety of our boys and staff remains the top priority of the school as we continue to navigate Covid-19. In preparation for opening school on the 15th, College has spent much time ensuring that we continue to be Covid-ready and compliant.

Staff have been briefed on the Covid imperatives for the start of the year and measures in place on our campus have been evaluated, checked and improved upon where necessary.

College has already hosted the Health Department on campus for a meeting to discuss the current trends of the virus as well as to receive any updates and protocols required for best practice in Covid-19.

A lengthy survey of all staff was conducted on the 2020 efforts of the school in relation to Covid to further evaluate and ensure that all areas of compliancy and operation are working for our school.

Over and above our school’s Covid Committee, a further 40 staff have been trained at Covid Compliance Officers to ensure a greater monitoring, accountability and level of delivery is achieved during these challenging times. More information will be sent to parents in the coming week.

We can assure all our boys and parents that College is Covid-ready for the new year.

We have affirmed our School wide goals for 2021:

  1. To encourage the College community, but especially the boys, to embrace the principles of College Culture and its Credo as part of life-long learning. 
  2. To build on the foundation for College boys based on character education and the core values
  3. To encourage each boy to strive towards realising his personal academic potential
  4. To continually enhance effective and meaningful communication within the community.
  5. To continue to promote positive relationships through social awareness, respect and tolerance within the College community

Please take some time to watch this video from Graeme Codrington with a Message for Teachers for 2021 – a futurist, researcher, author, presenter and expert on the future of work tomorrow today.

In this video he focusses on teachers during the Covid period and offers sound advice and guidance of teachers as well as leaders, SGB and parents. He reminds us that while last year was an extremely tough year for educators, parents and boys alike, it looks as though 2021 will be more of the same as already the start has been delayed  – more disruptions and uncertainty.

In his conclusion, he highlights three things that may well assist teachers in 2021;

  1. Find your own Covid pace
  2. Collaborate more
  3. Focus on wellbeing and an holistic education

As a school we have followed point 3 for sometime now and we believe it is essential and agree fully with BF Skinner’s quote from way back in 1964:

“ Education is what remains after what has been learnt is forgotten”