Return to school Term 3

Dear Parents, Staff and Boys

KwaZulu Natal in a number of areas including our capital, Durban and many rural areas have been through a chaotic and extremely stressful fortnight with loss of life, destruction and looting costing billions. Some families may well have lost loved ones and many families have been totally devastated by what was ultimately total lawlessness. We collectively pass on our deepest sympathies to everyone who has been directly impacted by these actions and be assured that you are all in our prayers.  It will take years to rebuild the infrastructure of the city and towns affected.  

As a large community we are in the main acutely aware of the excessive emotional turmoil that many of our staff, parents, boys and Old Collegians have had to endure over the past few weeks and of the ongoing impact on everyone’s well-being and mental health. This will be a prominent focus for staff and boys when we return to school next week.

We have received confirmation from the Department of Education, all staff will return to school on Monday 26 July at 08:00 and will go into an interactive counselling and wellbeing session.  All boarders are to return on Monday afternoon [Mr Kyle will provide a detailed return process] and all boys are to be at school at 07:30 on Tuesday 27 July. A similar programme will be arranged for them through their mentors after the dedicated virtual assembly. Following this there will be shortened day routine with lessons following Day 2 in the timetable. On Wednesday 28 July, the Control Test programme will resume as per the new timetable which will be circulated. 

It is essential that boys who are struggling in any way, reach out to their mentor in the first instance who will refer them to Mrs Griffiths as required. If any parents are seeking advice, please also feel free to contact Mrs Griffiths via email:

The significant majority of all our staff, that includes our contracted workers, have all been vaccinated which is very pleasing in ensuring that your boys and staff are in a safe environment. We would also strongly recommend that you as parents will also be proactive in this regard and have the vaccination if you have not done so yet. The research is compelling that it ultimately will save your life should you happen to contract the virus. However, we do respect your right not do so.

We do remind you however of the following as we need to continue to be totally vigilant in our collective fight against Covid-19:  If your son is showing any of the following signs:  cough, sore throat, body ache, headaches, stomach issues, shortness of breath, high temperature and /or loss of taste or smell,  that he does not return to school, but is kept at home and that the advice of your doctor is sought. Once he has fully recovered from his ‘flu – like symptoms he may return to school.

Furthermore, we request that you continue to encourage and educate your sons about the importance of wearing masks, the need for social distancing and the washing of hands with soap and sanitising whilst in the community and at school. This would greatly assist the staff in striving to keep your son and our school safe.

We all need to work together as a community and be proactive to keep our boys, staff and the community healthy and safe.

Finally, I share the following advice and guidance from our former school psychologist Rene Wulfsohn, as we strive to come to terms with the troubled times we are experiencing at the moment:

Hold the Line
No need to set the scene that in one way or another we are all a part of at the moment.  No need to detail the dangers, difficulties, terrors or hurdles that humanity is facing, as a whole. Just hold the line if you can.  Hold the line even if you feel you can’t – you can!  Concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.  Waking up every morning and getting through the day is enough.

Rudyard Kipling’s well-known poem ‘IF’ shows us that history repeats itself.  His wise words are still motivating today.

‘If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;’

Going forward, try the following:

  • Don’t think too far ahead. 
  • Dial back on overthinking a problem
  • See every new day as a victory
  • Know that you are not alone in this situation
  • Remember it takes earthquakes for mountains to rise!
  • Show up for yourself each day

God Bless
Keep safe and healthy

CJ Luman