Message to the Boys – Academic Feedback Update

From the Deputy Head: Academics (Mrs J Finnie)

You have recently completed a full round of half-year Control tests, which have in some cases been completed under difficult circumstances. Nevertheless, it was very important for your academic progress to write these tests. The marks may not be what you want them to be at this stage, but that is the purpose of the exercise. You needed to see how you would do when tested in a formal manner, on a curriculum of 6 months’ work. Bear in mind, that you will be tested on the whole year’s work in a few months’ time. Indeed for our matrics, in a few weeks’ time. 

You need to take an honest look at your marks now, reflect on them and your efforts to date. Your results will give you significant insight into where your shortcomings may lie. Go through the memos of these tests and focus on where you went wrong. There is time to work on improving. The mistakes that you made now, should not be made again, so you must learn from these. 

If you need help speak to your teachers, Mentors and Housemasters, as they are in the best position to assist you. You should also attend the academic support lessons after school which are offered in a number of key subject areas if you are experiencing difficulty. 

Do not fall into the trap of blaming someone else for your results, your parents and teachers cannot do this for you. It is you who must take responsibility to work towards your goals. We will support and guide you, but it is you who are responsible for your work ethic and self-discipline.

These are unprecedented times globally, and in our province, we have had to contend with violent unrest, as well as the pandemic which has affected many of us in numerous ways. However, we cannot allow these events to derail our hopes and dreams; we have to find a way to rise above the circumstances we find ourselves in. 

Perseverance is not for the weak. It takes strength of character and dedication to follow through despite the obstacles that lie in your path. There will be failures and there will be times when you are discouraged but do not give up. Disappointments and mistakes are often the keys to success if you are willing to learn from them.

As Winston Churchill said: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”