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Assembly 15 August (Special Assembly)



From Scripture:

 “Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.” – Proverbs 19:1

 “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.” – Proverbs 12:22

“Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.” – Matthew 5:37

 “Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness utters deceit.” – Proverbs 12:17


A Prayer

Dear Lord please help us to be at all times honest in all that we do.



Launch of the DoE Quality Learning Teaching Campaign (QLTC)

In partnership with the Department of Education, Maritzburg College was proud to host the school’s launch of the nationwide Quality Learning and Teaching Campaign (QLTC) at our assembly on Monday 15 August.

Created as part of the country’s commitment to education and health being placed at the centre of social transformation for the next 5 years, the QLTC aims to build partnerships between all relevant education stakeholders, including teachers, learners, parents, school management and the wider College community, in order to improve education for all.

As part of the launch on Monday, a representative from each of the stakeholder groups made a formal pledge in front of the school to commit to play their part in building and sustaining these partnerships, needed to ensure a quality education for our learners into the future.

Pledges were made by the following representatives:

  • Department of Education pledge Mrs FD Dlamini (District Circuit Manager)
  • School Governing Body member pledge Prof JF Finnie
  • Principal pledge Mr CJ Luman
  • Learner Pledge Mr M Ngubo
  • Educator pledge Mr S Mhlongo
  • Parent pledge Mr S Colenbrander
  • Community pledge Mr K Smith


Khanyisa Outreach to Umvuzo High – Blazer handover

Maritzburg College, through its Khanyisa Outreach Programme, had the opportunity and privilege to assist one of our peer schools, Umvuzo High, in recognising academic excellence. Five Umvuzo High School learners have achieved exceptional academic results, and were awarded their school blazers. In some of the rural and township community schools, blazers are not a compulsory part of the school uniform, but used as a symbol of honour and reward for exceptional achievement.

These learners come from disadvantaged backgrounds,  and purchasing the blazers was not possible. Maritzburg College, through the Khanyisa High School Programme, donated the necessary funds to Umvuzo High for the purchase of blazers for these 5 talented learners. The learners were awarded blazers based on their academic achievement of an aggregate of 80% and above, and for being in the top five in their grade.

At our assembly, we as a school, paid tribute to the five learners, recognising their hard work, commitment and perseverance. We were honoured to welcome Mrs Dudu Dlamini, the Circuit Manager in the uMgungundlovu District for this special occasion.

Read the full story on this initiative here



Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and has the connotation of positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, trustworthiness, loyalty, fairness, and sincerity.


How can you demonstrate honesty on a daily basis in practical ways?

  1. Think before you speak
  2. Say what you mean and mean what you say
  3. Bend over backward to communicate in an open and honest fashion
  4. Keep your message simple so there is no confusion
  5. Tell it as it is
  6. Present both sides of an issue to ensure objectivity
  7. Make your personal bias known if you have one
  8. Tell people the rationale behind your decisions so that your intent is understood
  9. Quickly correct misinterpretations
  10. Don’t shoot the messenger when someone tells you the truth. Thank them for their honesty and treat the information provided as a gift
  11. Willingly accept responsibility by admitting a mistake or error in judgement in a timely fashion
  12. Hold people accountable when their words do not match their actions
  13. Never compromise your integrity and reputation by associating yourself with people whose standards of integrity you mistrust



The last weekend of winter sporting fixtures saw Maritzburg College take on long-time rivals from Glenwood for a full round of rugby and hockey matches. Our hockey teams had a great day winning all of their matches against Glenwood, while the rugby teams had some tough and hard fought games. College’s Golf, Squash, Canoeing and Soccer teams also posted good results.

Detailed sporting results are here



Congratulations to the following boys on their achievements.

Bronze Medal – FAK Allegretto Toneelfees

  1. T van Heerden (Commons)
  2. GH Delport (Lamond)
  3. BL McGregor (Calder)
  4. CJ Prinsloo (Lamond)
  5. AL van der Linde (Forder)
  6. MP van Rooyen (Forder)
  7. M Kritzinger (Forder)
  8. RF Jacobsz (Strachan)


Public Speaking Competition (PBHS)

  1. ASM Khumalo (Snow)
  2. KJ Steele (Barns)
  3. MQB Ngubo (Nicholson)
  4. KJ Marias (Lamond)


ATKV Applous Gold Aaward

  1. ASV Ntuli (Fuller)
  2. NQN Madide (Fuller)


KZN Golf Team
LN Akerman (Lamond)
JA Truter (Forder)

CM Newman (Pape)


KZN Schools K1 River Champs (Canoeing)

2nd place – J Glyn-Cuthbert (Nicholson)

2nd place – KHE Vogt (Calder)
3rd place – SA Venniker (Barns)


Wishing you all a very good week.

Pro Aris et Focis

CL Luman (Headmaster)