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Put down your Roots at College

Maritzburg College is Celebrating Arbor week 2022 (1 – 7 September) by planting 50 Yellowwood trees on our beautiful campus!

Did you know?

The Yellowwood tree is the National Tree of South Africa?

They are evergreen and will help to provide much needed shade, oxygen and act as a “net” to help prevent the loss of rugby, cricket, soccer balls and the like!

The planting of these trees around our campus is also creating jobs.

We invite you to be a part of this initiative by donating a minimum of R350 towards our tree campaign.
All donors will be listed on our Foundation website in honour of your contribution.

The trees will be planted inside our fence line, along Princess Margaret Drive (starting at the Form 2 Quad), along Snows and finishing along College road at various places.

To be a part of this “green” initiative, please make your donation into the following bank account:



Banking information for the Foundation is:
Account Holder:               Maritzburg College Foundation
Bank:                                  Nedbank
Account Number:            1004849451
Branch Code:                    198765
REF Code:                          Initial + Surname_Tree

A reminder that Section 18A certificates are available for all donations to the Foundation.

Kindly send proof of payment to baptistaj@mcollege.co.za with the required name to appear on the Donors list e.g. The Smith Family / Joe Smith / Mr and Mrs Smith e.t.c.

Please can all donations be paid by 30 September 2022.



Help to make a difference to our school and our environment by putting your roots down at College for generations to come!

For more information, please contact Jenny Baptista (baptistaj@mcollege.co.za)