Mid-year Exams

Mid-year exams

Mrs J Finnie – Deputy Headmaster – Academics


As you are aware, we begin the mid-year examinations in 7 days. I want to talk to you today about academic responsibility and accountability.

Many of you may think, that you are at school to acquire knowledge, and to some extent, that is true. However, you are also at school to take ownership of your learning. Every lesson that you have attended, every assignment that you have done is an opportunity. It is an opportunity to grow and develop. It is also an opportunity denied to many all over the world. New research data from the United Nations reveals that the global number of out-of-school children has risen by 6 million since 2021 and now totals 250 million. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for close to 30 % of all out-of-school children globally.

So back to opportunity, with every opportunity, comes a responsibility, a responsibility to yourselves, to your families and to your future. You must understand that your academic performance is not just a reflection of your intelligence but also of your diligence and commitment.

You have a choice here. Academic success is about showing up every day, ready to engage, ready to learn, and ready to give your best, and this is up to you.


What does accountability mean?

Accountability is about holding ourselves answerable for our actions, our choices, and our results. It is not about shifting blame to your parents, your teachers, or your friends. If you take ownership of your academic journey, you will empower yourselves to shape your future.

Preparing for exams is not about cramming information into our minds at the last minute. In your Mentor lessons this week you will discuss how best to prepare for exams, but here are 4 suggestions. They are not new, but they are important.

  • Get organised – break down your subjects into manageable chunks and allocate specific time slots for revision.
  • Be an active learner – summarise key concepts, teach others or yourself, and commit to doing past papers.
  • Take care of yourself – get enough rest, eat properly, exercise and take some time to re-charge.
  • Ask for help – use what is available to you at school, use your teachers and the resources that you have on Teams.


In closing, academic success requires hard work and perseverance – there is no quick-fix.

Make the correct choice.

Take ownership and be accountable for your actions as you prepare for these assessments.

I wish you all the very best.