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Start of Term 4 Dedication Assembly

A very warm welcome back to all of you as well to the new  staff and boys who join us today. I trust that you all managed to have some sort of a break to relax and spend time with family and friends and that you are all looking forward to Term 4.

October is Mental Health Awareness Month  and College is going green. You may have seen signs of this already around our campus with the wrapping of green trees. World Mental Health Day is on 10 October and the theme for 2024 is “It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace


Start of Term Dedication Service

The theme for this term is one of core values COMMITMENT: FINISH STRONG

From Scripture
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” – Romans 12:2

A prayer
Heavenly Father, as we tackle the demands of Term 4, we take comfort in knowing with your guidance and support our goals and aspirations can be realised by seeing things through to the end to the best of our ability. Amen



 “It’s not how you start that’s important, but how well you finish!”Jim George (US author)

 Be committed to finishing strong.
John Maxwell, well known author, speaker and pastor, recently commented that  91 million Americans make New Year’s Resolutions, but 70 million Americans break those commitments within a week! Attending a health club appears to corroborate the statistics. During the first week of January, fitness centres are crowded. It is difficult to locate a parking spot, and all of the treadmills are occupied as people are waiting in line to use the exercise equipment. However, by the third week of January, you will be able to park in the closest location to the entrance and use any machine of your choosing. Between January 1 and January 21, what occurs? People display their unwillingness to finish what they started.

So what character traits are required to finish strong? 

  • Commitment
  • Character
  • self-discipline
  • self-sacrifice
  • tenacity

“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.” – Deuteronomy 31:6

Emotion may drive us to make a decision, but character and self-discipline are what keeps us going when the journey becomes difficult. A person with character makes decisions based on principles, not on what is popular. He or she honours commitments rather than accommodating convenience. High-character, disciplined individuals work steadily regardless of their circumstances, creating their own momentum by virtue of a steady work ethic.


Self- Sacrifice:
Being a finisher requires recurring sacrifices. A leader’s constant companion is sacrifice. As influential individuals, leaders must continually trade their freedom for greater responsibilities. Yet, many individuals appear to have a vague understanding of sacrifice, regarding it as something distant or remote. As a result, when achieving their objectives necessitates a significant sacrifice, individuals are confused and unwilling to sacrifice anything.

Focussing on the 6th form in particular, many of you will have already made a number of sacrifices during the course of 2024 and there will be more to come over the next eight weeks .  Ultimately, if you want to end strongly, you’ll have to continue to do so and potentially sacrifice more than is comfortable.

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”- Psalm 23:4



Pierre and Marie Curie had made 487 experiments to try to separate radium  from pitchblende. Everyone had failed. Pierre Curie lamented, “It can’t be done; it can’t be done.” Perhaps in a hundred years, but never during our lifetimes. Madame Curie responded, “If it takes a century, it will be a shame, but I will not stop working for it as long as I live.” Madame Curie’s tenacity encouraged the scientists to make a second attempt and paved the way for new scientific discoveries.

Tenacity entails quitting only when the task is complete, not when one is exhausted. The majority of our existence is spent in the trenches. To reach the finish line, tedious details, thankless duties, and thousands of loose ends must be resolved. Most individuals become exhausted, compromise for second-best, and give up before achieving their objectives. However, a select few persist, refusing to give up until they achieve their goals.

These qualities are key ingredients for anyone who wishes to finish strong. As you enter the last term of 2024, I encourage you to make the most of the remaining time, finish 2024 on a high note, and commence 2025 with positive momentum.



“For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29: 11

God never gives up on you and will guide you on this journey!

Pleased bow your heads as we pray a prayer for commitment, character,  self-discipline, self- sacrifice and tenacity.

Dear Heavenly Father
When evil darkens our world, grant us light
When despair numbs our soul, grant us hope
When we stumble and fall, grant us strength
When doubts confront us, grant us unyielding faith
When nothing seems certain, grant us trust
When ideals fail, grant us vision
When we lose our way, be our guide that we may find peace in your presence and purpose in doing your will.
In your name we ask this.



Many thanks to the staff who worked around the campus through the holidays. The improvements to the Dudley Forde Aquatic Centre are looking excellent. We need to be grateful for the amazing facilities that we have at College!



Congratulations to the following 6th form boys who all have achieved various NEW academic awards during the Trial Exams.

MCKEAN Ryan Honours
PIETERSE Dean Honours
ZUMA Bandile Honours
JACOBSZ Reinhardt Colours & Scarf
MATSHOBOZA Ayabonga Colours & Scarf
ROBINSON Codi Colours & Scarf
BRIDGLALL Sohan Colours
PRETORIUS Albertus Colours
NGCOBO Sfundo Colours
FOSTER Jack Colours
NDLOVU Zekhethelo Colours
MYEZA Langelihle Academic Tie
GOSLETT Christopher Academic Tie
NTULI Olwethu Academic Tie
HANSROD Ibraheem Academic Tie
DLAMINI Banele Academic Tie
COX Travis Academic Tie
GASARASI Jonathan Academic Tie
BAGIRATHI Ayush Academic Tie



Congratulations to J van Huysteen [82%] and L Dreyer [85%] on their efforts in the recent Afrikaans ATKV Olympiad.


Congratulations to the following boys who have all excelled.

K Vogt for his 4th place in the u18 category at the World Marathon Championships
S Wessels for his 6 wickets for 9 runs against Wynberg u14A
M Meyer for his 5 wickets for 99 runs against St Stithians u15A
L Venter for his 6 wickets for 6 runs including a hat-trick against St Johns u15A
L Sutherland for his 152 runs against Hudson Park 1st XI
L Newlands for his 2nd and 3rd placings in the u19 category at the Cycling Finals at Wagpos

We wish all teams and their coaching staff all the best for the Term 4 fixtures



Congratulations to our College team – ALPHA Q (E Hamadziripi, J Maharaj, S Redlinghuys, M Greeff)  on winning the Investment Challenge for August and achieving growth of 4,43% in the Equity Portfolio. This translates to and effective 53.16 % per annum.  The team won R2000.



As we have for the last three years, College will recognise Mental Health Month with the campus going green. Some of our beautiful trees have already been wrapped! Please support us by purchasing and wearing a ribbon (cost is R5). Boys can purchase ribbons from their housemasters. You can also make a donation toward this and all proceeds will go to the Pmb Mental Health Association. Donations are made on the website. On 25 October we will hold a Colour Run. Entry into this event is through the purchase and wearing of a green ribbon and we encourage all our boys and staff to take part!



A special and heartfelt thank you to all our teaching staff who do so much for our boys! We appreciate and value each one of you.



F6 – 8 more school days.
Subject teachers will be following a remediation programme for the rest of the teaching time available which will include going over the Trial Examination papers as a minimum. If you are struggling in any area please talk to your teacher in the first instance. Boys who have failed a subject should take advantage of attending additional lessons that are provided and address the concerns. It is not too late to make a difference, but YOU must take control of your own academic destiny now.

F2 – F5 14 days until your final examinations
It is essential that you are also focussed 100% from today onwards on your academic endeavours and revisiting your goals. Your teachers are not going to accept second rate or shoddy work and effort, so be prepared. Take pride in your work and strive to do your best. They will assist you in getting there but it also ultimately your responsibility. Prepare a revision programme which needs to start tonight and focus on subjects that require additional attention in more detail. Please set the bar higher – one of our school-wide goals for the year is a growth mindset. Do not settle for second rate effort or work.


I wish you all a good week.

Dr CJ Luman
Headmaster: Maritzburg College