Assembly 17 March: Collegiality


Our Bible readings this morning flesh out this idea of COLLEGIALITY, which refers to a ‘cooperative relationship of colleagues’ or ‘friendly relationship between people who work together or do the same job’.

As professionals employed as teachers and administrative staff at Maritzburg College, we who work at this school are often encouraged to focus on how we interact with each other, to show dedication to the same goals, and to conduct ourselves in a way that nurtures a harmonious, happy and productive work environment.  At its essence, our stated and at times under-stated talk in the staffroom of COLLEGIALITY recognizes that we are part of a great team – some would go so far as to say part of a FAMILY – that is broadly dedicated to success and welfare of you 1 250 boys collectively and to our school itself.

This feeling of a great team, of a great College family or BROTHERHOOD, of course goes to the very heart of the Maritzburg College experience for you young man. Not for nothing do the words ‘collegiality’ and ‘college’, as in our school’s own name, have a vague similarity. After all, they are both derived from the Latin word meaning ‘to gather’ or ‘to collect’. Our school’s very name of Maritzburg College reminds us subconsciously that we are ALL a collection of people, especially a collection of young men, who are bound together in this great and noble enterprise of education.

Our theme today of ‘collegiality’ reminds us that we are all part of this great Red-Black-White team, one that was founded 162 years ago and one that over those many decades has not just enjoyed triumphs that have seen its name exalted amongst the great institutions of our country, but also has withstood innumerable challenges and setbacks – from global ones like the World Wars and the Great Depression, to, over time, localized scandals, social-media fueled blow-outs, and even the odd defeat.

In preparing for this morning, I came across a quote by a young American poet called Matthew Stepanek, who suffered from a rare disorder that saw him die in 2004 aged only 14.
He said, “Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”

To be part of a great team or especially a great BROTHERHOOD comes with the truly inspiring benefits of a sense of belonging and a sense of identity, and of being part of a rousing band of men unified in spirit and purpose!
Many men produced by this school – some now grey-haired and bent by arthritis and age – regard their days on Basher Ridge and being part of College as being amongst the happiest and most stirring of their entire lives.
After all, few experiences can be more stirring than to be up on Basher Ridge, or striving as part of a Maritzburg College team, amongst your College brothers, unified in a common purpose, under the same Red-Black-White banner.
But membership of that great team and your licence to enjoy those experiences come with obligations too.
Obligations to your school – to never sully its name, to live out its Core Values, and to do your best to live up to its high expectations of you.

But, also, obligations to each other.
To, beneath the gruff veneer brought about by your traditions, rites of passage and hierarchy, treat each other with kindness and empathy.
To show to each other – from 6th Former to 2nd Former – the loyalty and compassion of true brothers.
And, at all times, to respect your fellow Collegian, whatever his background or age, and to strive, to play and to struggle, for each other, and to support each other, through victory and defeat.
This is at the heart of ‘collegiality’ and being a ‘Collegian’.

Collegiality is not simply about being classmates or even teammates.
It is about a shared purpose, a mutual respect, and an unwavering support—the very essence of a College boy.
It is about recognising that our success is not measured by what we achieve alone, but by how we all contribute to the success of those around us.
We are in this together. We will struggle and overcome together. We will celebrate our victories together.
And, together, united, we will link arms and as one face the challenges that await us. Today. Tomorrow. And on Friday.


I chose my words this morning about collegiality carefully, and I typed them up yesterday, after a fairly tough day of sport in Durban on Saturday. You will have noticed that I emphasized words like challenges, team, respect and support.
We are not some light-weight school, founded a decade or three ago. We are College! We will stand shoulder to shoulder with the men who fight for us on the sportsfield, and we will support them, to the end, whatever the outcome.
Well done to DHS. Many of the results were very close – a point here and there. And I must commend all the College teams, for their efforts and struggles.

And I must remind you, gentlemen, that the struggles will continue week after week, from now on.
On Friday we will be playing another ambitious Durban school in Northwood, who I see enjoyed a number of victories over Michaelhouse.
We back down to no-one, we are playing on our fields, on our Pape’s and our Goldstone’s, and I expect you all not just to rally behind the College flag on Friday but to give your very best at practice over the next few days and in the matches that follow.
Looking back over Friday and the weekend, I would also like to add my congratulations and warm thanks to the many College people who have worked tirelessly over the last week.

The open day held on Friday afternoon was a great success, despite the uncooperative weather, and I’d like to extend my warm thanks to everyone involved – from the marketing department to the many volunteers who participated as tour guides and ushers, to the teachers and boys who offered up displays and interesting presentations, to the estates staff, who beforehand clipped the hedges and grass raked and swept and ensured that the college estate was ship shape for our visitors. I’d also like to thank you boys and the staff generally for putting up with the changed routines and for so cheerfully contributing to a warm and well-received event.

Congratulations also go to the Hindu Society, who hosted their annual cultural evening on Saturday night. I am told that it was a great success. My feedback is that the OCC was transformed with colour and glitz, to host a vibrant celebration of the Indian culture. The boys were “exceptional” (I am told), as they entertained guests with song, dance, music, a poetry recital and a fashion show. It was a grand affair and a wonderful tribute to the importance of culture at our school. Guests were then treated to a scrumptious meal of Breyani followed by a Bhangra Bash to work out some of the calories. Our thanks go to all the boys, as well as Mrs Deodutt, Mrs Pillay, Mrs Govender and Mrs Budhoo, for pulling off such an energetic and exciting evening. Well done to the Hindu Society!

The first Khanyisa lesson took place on Saturday morning and all 40 learners attended Mrs Mtembu’s English lesson. The learners, who are high-flyers selected from 9 Quintile 1 schools in our district, were hosted at the Ann McLoughlin Maths Centre. We salute the efforts of Mrs Mthembu, Mrs Govender and I am led to believe Mrs Finnie too, as College is able to share its considerable teaching resources with learners from less privileged local schools.



Congratulations to the following boys:

  • WKL Mbanjwa [Fuller] KZN U16 Basketball Team
  • MA Ntlakana [Nicholson] KZN U16 Basketball Team
  • W Makhanda [Snow] KZN U16 Basketball Team
  • TS Pillay [Calder] KZN Schools Swimming Team
  • J Mumford [Snow] KZN Schools Swimming Team
  • KD Hogarty [Lamond] Outstanding performance at KZN Sprint Champs
  • KH Vogt [Calder] Outstanding performance at KZN Sprint Champs
  • J Worthmann [Commons] Outstanding performance at KZN Sprint Champs
  • J Jansen van Rensburg [Calder] Outstanding performance at KZN Sprint Champs
  • LD O’Connor [Strachan] Outstanding performance at KZN Sprint Champs
  • SA Venniker [Barns] Kayaking: 1st U18 Kayak Cross SA Champs
  • JS Gotte [Snow] 2nd U18 Kayak Cross SA Champs
  • JA Craig [Snow] 3rd U18 Kayak Cross SA Champs
  • MJ Rawson [Fuller] 2nd U16 Kayak Cross SA Champs


I remind you about the compulsory fixture vs Northwood – let’s rally to the flag, gentlemen, and give those young men from Durban North a warm and memorable welcome to Maritzburg College.

I’d like to end off today by reading an email that I last week received from the Head of Music at St Johns DSG:

  • I attended the Thomas More Fusion Choir Event last Friday evening and had the pleasure of hearing the Maritzburg College Choir perform. Their performance was outstanding and received an enthusiastic response from the audience. Congratulations to their choir master, Mr Linde.
  • What stood out just as much as their musical talent was the boys’ exceptional manners and conduct. Every College boy that walked past me, greeted me politely. I wish you all a busy and productive week.

Well done to the boys involved.

Let’s remember our manners and greeting, gentlemen, especially with the visitors arriving at College for the sport on Friday.

I wish you all a busy and productive week.

Pro Aris et Focis

Mr M Marwick