Assembly 21 August: Dealing with Stress



A prayer

Dear Lord. Thank you for always being with us as we come to terms with our anxiety and stress and take comfort in knowing that through you this will come to pass.  Amen


Click here to watch Monday’s assembly on Stress

Link to Youtube video HERE

Last week we covered the theme “Facing Adversity” and that is still very much with us at the moment as we continue to deal with rising number of Covid cases and the Trial Exams loom for our 6th formers – in fact this time next week they start.

Today I want to share some thoughts on dealing with anxiety and stress as a student and also the perennial problem of procrastination that many boys experience. The links that I refer to will be shared in the College newsletter and the recording of this assembly.

Dr Jabbal from the Medical School Insider and their Youtube channel recommend tools and suggestions in attempting to deal with stress in the current environment you find ourselves currently:

You are all dealing with amongst others:

  1. Academic stress
  2. Social stress [recent protests, looting , family, friends etc]
  3. Stress of daily life

You need a Stress Management Strategy:

  1. Be Organised
  2. Good Time Management is essential [Avoid procrastination]
  3. Balance social and academic stresses (know when the best time for you to work e.g. at night or early morning)
  4. Exercise is crucial
  5. Social support and connection with friends


  1. If you are feeling overwhelmed or out of control
  • SLOW DEEP BREATHING helps rest and digest functions as well as the fight or flight response
  • MINDFUL OBSERVATION – it is important to note how your body is responding viz tightness in the abdomen; heart racing
  1. SELF –TALK is crucial
  • When approached with a stressful situation what dialogue occurs in your head?
  • For example, when you are about to write a test, your bodily response is either FEAR or EXCITEMENT
  • Approach with confidence
  • When stress levels are high, deep breathing and mindfulness help to ground one
  • Adjust your self-talk and turn it around viz this is an opportunity to challenge yourself to do your best
  • “Eat an elephant one bite at a time”
  • Ask yourself: “What is the one step I can take today that will bring me closer to my goal?”

Boys are notorious for being procrastinators i.e. postponing what could be done now today, and making an excuse [self talk] to do it another time.


Video link here

  1. Break down the steps of any task you have to do.
  2. Keep the task small and focused – the hardest part is to actually start. When studying, study for 25 min then take a 5 minute break.
  3. Set the bar low g. if you find it difficult meditating, start with trying to do 2 min every few hours.
  4. Take pleasure from the experience of studying. You need to increase the value to avoid procrastination. Give yourself a reward for completing a task.
  5. Use Parkinson’s Law to your advantage. “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” If something must be done in a year, it will be done in a year. If it must be done in six months, then it will. Parkinson’s Law should not be used to set unreasonable deadlines. Ultimately, get more done by giving yourself less time to do things.
  6. Be deliberate with your study environment: Avoid distractions e.g. switch your phone to airplane mode.
  7. Understand your personality type. You need to know and understand yourself fully and ensure there is accountability.


Zungu sang ‘Schielflied’by Mendelssohn

Thank you very much Zungu



Congratulations to all the boys who have all met the requirements for various new academic awards. These will be presented through the house. Full details of these boys are found here

We wish our 6th formers every success as they commence their Trial Examinations next Monday.

Boys were reminded of the importance of maintaining all Covid safety protocols including wearing masks and social distancing, at all times and especially outside of the classrooms, including break times and before and after school.

Theme for the Week: HUMILITY

Thought for the Week: “There is nothing noble in being superior your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

Behaviour Focus for the Week: PUNCTUALITY


Pro Aris et Focis