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Start of Term 3: Dedication Assembly


Welcome back to all boys and staff and to our guests here today; namely Rev Collin Moore and Mr Devin Galtrey [OC1995] a member of MCOBA Executive and a current parent of two boys, who will address the school later in the assembly

Rev Moore gave his last College address ahead of his move to the UK. In his message he reminded the boys and staff of the need to show endurance and fortitude in the term ahead, as well as discipline, commitment and patience, and to continue to work hard. He reminded everyone that we are not alone, and that we can rely on God’s strength; that we are all stronger than we think, that we are good, loving, kind, talented, and that we are children of God.

We wish Rev Moore and his family every success and happiness in their move, and thank him for all the support and guidance over the years, and for all he has done for the school!


From Scripture

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[b] to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Colossians 1:9-14



This term we welcome two new members of staff as well as a number of boys.

  • Mrs Myrlin Kyle, married to Ryan Kyle takes on the position of Laboratory Assistant in the Physics Department, and will also involved in the Nutrition Wellness programme for staff in collaboration with Mrs Griffiths
  • Mr Wynand Greyling joins the College team to teach Life and Natural Sciences. He will be a boarder master in Clark House and will be involved in rugby coaching this term.



One of our school goals for the year is to encourage each boy to strive towards realising his personal academic potential.

Whilst teachers, mentors and housemasters have a responsibility to encourage and support you,  you also need to take charge and responsibility for your own destiny. You need to review your own individual goals after last term’s assessment period and continue to strive to be the best that you can be in all that you do. If you need help you MUST ask!





A large number of our boys and staff were involved in a host of activities during the break and excelled.

Full details of their achievements are included here.


Certificates of recognition for top performances were handed out to boys:

Canoeing – 1st place at the Berg canoe marathon                                  

  • IR Hemingway (Pape)

Selection for Rugby SA Schools team

  • L Bester (Calder)

Selection for the U18 Hockey SA Schools B team                              

  • RF Marais (Lamond)

 Selection for the SA U16 High Performance Hockey Squad

  1. EUA Dlamini (Barns)
  2. NI Holmes (Commons)
  3. IG Mosupye (Pape)
  4. DC Jackson (Strachan)

U19B KZN Squash team received a bronze medal at SA Schools’ IPT

  1. MC Mason (Commons)
  2. TP Pratt (Pape)
  3. N Moodley (Strachan)

 Outstanding performance on the South Coast Golf Tour

  1. K Manickum (Lamond)
  2. JA Truter (Forder)
  3. LN Ackerman (Lamond)

Chess final selection rounds for national

  1. R Motshone (Lamond)
  2. SN Cele (Fuller)




Many thanks to our Estates and Grounds staff who have been hard at work during the holiday, completing a number of campus improvements and additions. These include:

  • 4th form quad revamp with new garden beds, paving, water feature and grass area
  • 2nd form quad completion with shading, grass and flower beds added
  • Nathan house maintenance
  • Kitchen servicing of equipment
  • Staff housing maintenance
  • Classroom maintenance including sanding and varnishing of all desks
  • Terraces landscaping
  • General grounds maintenance



 “Treat people the way in which you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be spoken to. RESPECT IS EARNED, NOT GIVEN. “ Anonymous

RESPECT is one of our Core Values and one that the seniors especially are very passionate about.  However, this core value is often not fully understood.

RESPECT must, in the first instance, start with yourself. You must respect yourself before you can respect other people. This requires self- introspection and being totally honest with oneself in every regard:  Your appearance, your manners, your overall behaviour and conduct. You cannot think positively about others, if you do not think positively about yourself.  A person that respects themselves will treat others the way they want to be treated. In short, self-respect means having confidence and behaving with dignity. When you respect yourself, you believe that you’re worthy of being respected and loved. Without it, you won’t be able to accept the respect that others have for you. In turn, you won’t respect others because you won’t understand the positive effects that respect has on a person.

Respect also means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they are different from you or you do not necessarily agree with their religion, beliefs, culture and opinion on matters. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing

We have amazing facilities at College and are extremely blessed. We also have an amazing campus and resources at our disposal. However, there are some boys who do not respect these, evidenced in the graffiti on school property and the disrespectful attitudes shown staff.

All desks were cleaned at the end of term by our Estates staff and this will be the last time they do so. There is NO place for graffiti, tagging, disrespectful comments etc on any public item. In class you will sit in a desk allocated by your teacher and it is your responsibility NOT to write on the desk at all and secondly to report it to your teacher if you see anything. If you do not, you can be held responsible and punished. The same applies to the toilets and changerooms noticeboard etc .



Starting from this week let us make every effort to focus on yourselves in the first and then on others in displaying RESPECT in all you do at all times and to reprimand those who do not.


In his address to the boys, Mr Devin Galtry, OC1995 highlighted the following aspects:

“We are a respected school with a 159 year old history and legacy, founded on the College Culture and Core Values, Rites of Passage, and Traditions. We are a strong community of boys, staff, parents and old boys.”

He also emphasised the importance of respect for everyone, irrespective of age or gender, and to strive for self-respect, giving of your best in all things. He encouraged the boys to work to make good choices in the weeks and months ahead.




All the boys were encourage to finish the winter programme with commitment right up to our final fixture, against Glenwood on 12 August.  

This weekend we host Affies for the biggest exchange ever which now includes the choir and the jazz band who will both perform on Friday evening in the OCC with Affies.

Please ensure that you are open your homes to our AFFIES guests as you will be hosted at PBHS next week Please ensure you meet both your practice and match commitments and take it to Affies on Friday and Saturday in the various sports and cultural activities that are being held.


Wishing you all a very good week and a successful and enjoyable term.


Pro Aris et Focis

CL Luman (Headmaster)