Maritzburg College Prize Giving 2024
It was fitting to start the 2025 academic school year in celebrating the exceptional academic achievements of our 2024 Form 2 to Form 5 boys. In addition, we proudly acknowledged the outstanding NSC results of the Class of 2024 – testament to their hard work and perseverance.
The event was graced by our Circuit Manager, Mrs FD Dlamini, whose motivating and engaging speech set a tone of encouragement and pride in our school. Mrs Dlamini’s ongoing support of our school is deeply appreciated.
We were delighted to welcome our Guest of Honour back to his alma mater, Mr Mtunzi Jonas, an OC of the Class of 1999. Mr Jonas is currently the Chief Commercial Officer of Cricket South Africa. He captivated the audience with his authentic and heartfelt reflections on his five transformative years at Maritzburg College and shared how those experiences shaped his character and continue to influence his life journey. Mr Jonas urged the boys to seize opportunities that come their way and to cherish the connections and relationships forged at our school. His journey at Maritzburg College was truly #FiveYearsForLife, and he encouraged the boys to strive for their own future success, wherever it may take them.
Subject and top achievement prizes for academic excellence were awarded as part of the ceremony to boys from the 2024 2nd to 5th form.
Special congratulations to the boys who achieved first place in each form; KS Mkhwane (Form 2), S Bandu (Form 3), D Pillay (Form 4) and S Naidoo (Form 5).
3rd Form V Nkomo
4th Form ST Makhaye
5th Form HL Mdabe
LD Borchers, , C Frank, SA Gumbi, JA Luridsamy, NQM Luvuno, CJ Mackay-Leslie, QL Madlala, M Makhado, NS Mthabela, ZS Ndlovu, NG Ntshingila, Z Singh, D Smart, JD Sparrow, TJ Stone, H Storm, MR van der Merwe, SC Wessels
Merit Certificate and the KickstART Prize for Creative Arts Y Singh
Merit Certificate and the Prize for English CT Linley
Merit Certificate and the Prize for Mathematics JAS Smith
Merit Certificate and the Prize for Natural Sciences MD Clark
Merit Certificate and the Prizes for Economic Management Sciences and Technology AS Bagirathi
Merit Certificate, Prize for Afrikaans & Prize for THIRD IN 2ND FORM AM Linde
Merit Certificate, Prize for Life Orientation & Prize for SECOND IN 2ND FORM T Addison
Merit Certificate, Prizes for isiZulu, Social Sciences & Prize for FIRST IN 2ND FORM KS Mkhwane
R Badenhorst, Y Budhu, Y Dhai, OK Gengan, QR Heyns, Y Hoolasi, E Hunter-Smith, WP Khumalo, Y Maharaj, SM Msomi, JAJ Pembridge, LJ Puddu, A Ramlall, HJ Reitz, NA Saville, J Sewlall, L Venter, JI White
Merit Certificate and the joint Prize for Afrikaans D Dry and MT Venter
Merit Certificate and the Prize for English A Madlala
Merit Certificate and the Prize for isiZulu AE Hlongwa
Merit Certificate and the Prize for Life Orientation DT Lewis
Merit Certificate, and the Prize for THIRD IN 3RD FORM R Madhan
Merit Certificate and the Prize for SECOND IN 3RD FORM JJ Baptista
Merit Certificate, the KickstART Prize for Creative Arts, Prizes for Economic
Management Sciences, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Technology,
and the Prize for FIRST IN 3RD FORM S Bandu
A Dladla, N Dlamini, DS du Toit, ML Kader, IM Lindeque, R Motshoane, A Naidoo, SZ Ngcobo, L Redman, OB Samuel, BC Sing, T Sivenarain, BA Zuma
Prize for Agricultural Sciences JS Gotte
Prize for History DS Colenbrander
Prize for Music P Mncwabe
Prizes for Computer Applications Technology and Mathematical Literacy CJ Francis
Merit Certificate and the Prize for Afrikaans B Barnard
Merit Certificate and the Prize for Business Studies SA Mohamed
Merit Certificate and the Prize for Dramatic Arts L Dlamini
Merit Certificate and the Prize for Engineering Graphics and Design FN Kunene
Merit Certificate and the joint Prize for Information Technology DG Gademan, VY Ramdeen
Merit Certificate and the Prize for isiZulu SB Simamane
Merit Certificate and the Prize for Life Sciences CE Wilson
Merit Certificate and the Prize for Mathematics BC Cook
Merit Certificate and the KickstART Prize for Visual Arts MM Msimango
Merit Certificate, the Prize for Geography and joint Prize for Information Technology ML Askham
Merit Certificate, the Prizes for Further Studies Mathematics, Physical Science and
the Prize for THIRD IN 4TH FORM SB Wiggill
Merit Certificate, the Prizes for Economics, English, Life Orientation
and the Prize for SECOND IN 4TH FORM K Moodley
Merit Certificate, the Prize for Accounting and the Prize for FIRST IN 4TH FORM D Pillay
A Akoonjee, TW Ambler, LN Bhengu, S Durgaparsad, KJ Ekstrand, K Govender, BN Hlophe, J Maharaj, A Mkhize, DC Naidoo, D Naidoo, M Naidoo, NRK Pembridge, KS Phungula, GN Thomson, CPJ van Heerden
Joint Prize for Agricultural Sciences JO Odell
Prize for Business Studies TD Naidoo
Prize for Computer Applications Technology JC Steyn
Prize for Mathematical Literacy L Uhlmann
Merit Certificate and the joint Prize for Agricultural Sciences AD Taylor
Merit Certificate and the Prize for Geography EJ McAllister
Merit Certificate and the Prize for History A Beni
Merit Certificate and the Prize for Music CTB Gould
Merit Certificate and the KickstART Prize for Visual Arts CS Gibbs
Merit Certificate and the Prize for isiZulu BI Pepu
Merit Certificate, the Prizes for Engineering Graphics and Design, and Mathematics D Brunkhorst
Merit Certificate, Prizes for Afrikaans, Dramatic Arts, English and Life Orientation JD Moneyvalu
Merit Certificate, the Prize for Accounting, and the Prize for THIRD IN 5TH FORM CM Mundell
Merit Certificate, the joint Prize for Further Studies Mathematics, Prizes
for Information Technology, Physical Science, and Prize for SECOND IN 5TH FORM M Brunkhorst
Merit Certificate, the joint Prize for Further Studies Mathematics,
Prizes for Economics, Life Sciences, and the Prize for FIRST IN 5TH FORM S Naidoo