Providing top-quality education to boys from Form 2 to Form 6, we draw on our long and proud tradition, as well as our dynamic and forward-thinking ethos.
Providing top-quality education to boys from Form 2 to Form 6, we draw on our long and proud tradition, as well as our dynamic and forward-thinking ethos.
Providing top-quality education to boys from Form 2 to Form 6, we draw on our long and proud tradition, as well as our dynamic and forward-thinking ethos.
Providing top-quality education to boys from Form 2 to Form 6, we draw on our long and proud tradition, as well as our dynamic and forward-thinking ethos.
Shepstone House is the most recent of the boarding houses at Maritzburg College, with a keen connection to the heritage of our city. Shepstone House is home for Form 3 to 5 boarders and prefects, housing up to 90 boys. Like the other boarding houses, it has its own character and vibe. The welfare of the boys is the priority of Shepstone’s eight-teacher staff complement, with each boy being assigned to a staff mentor who looks out for his holistic education and wellbeing.
Shepstone House creates a boarding atmosphere that simultaneously nurtures individuality and the special College community spirit. Shepstone boys become young men with guidance, support, and in a spirit of mentorship that aspires to be an extension of home.
Shepstone House is the most recent of the College boarding houses, yet it incorporates one of the oldest buildings on our campus. Built and originally owned by Sir Theophilus Shepstone’s son, Henrique, the original Victorian mansion was purchased from the Shepstone family on behalf of the school in 1919. In October 2017, construction started on a new boarding house alongside the original dwelling and, in January 2018 the first batch of 26 Form 4 “pioneers” moved into “old” Shepstone’s. Upon completion in September 2018 of the attractive new three-storey boarding house, “new” Shepstone’s, boarders in Forms 3-5 joined the house.
Shepstone House
Morne Morolong
– Morne Morolong
Looking Up: Hear from a Shepstone House Prefect
Being announced as the head of Shepstone House was a special moment. I was excited and nervous for what lay ahead. Our 3rd Formers joined at the beginning of the year and immediately showed what it means to be a College boy and a Shepstone House boy. They’ve found their place and it’s encouraging to know there are so many true College men that will become leaders of this developing house.
I say ‘developing’ because Shepstone is new and therefore does not hold much history, which is a large element of the Maritzburg College we know and love. That’s why the leadership team of Shepstone House are introducing new elements that will allow it to build its own proud heritage and history.
Looking Forward: Hear from a Form 3
The year started off with us being put in random dorms together. In the beginning, it was tough, but we made it through with guidance from the brothers around us and now we are a close-knit family unit. It is a different feel being in a big house and staying with higher formers, but it gets easier and we settled down pretty quickly. Shepstone House is the newest and neatest house on campus and I really find it a home away from home because of its comfortable living space. I feel at ease and welcomed in Shepstone House.
Being new, Shepstone House does not have as many traditions as the other houses, but it is exciting being part of the group that brings in traditions that are going to last for a long time.
Shepstone House has six- and eight-man dorms, modern bathrooms, a dedicated common room, and wi-fi connectivity. The house not only provides a comfortable ‘home away from home’ but also seeks to nurture excellence and a sense of good citizenship. This is achieved by the closeness between boarders, boarding staff, and prefects who live in a house that provides well-structured, welcoming features.
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