Theme: Commitment to Studies



“Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in” Leonardo Da Vinci 

As you continue into your second week of exams, I thought I would share the following brief thoughts to hopefully assist you, as you come to terms with the examination papers and strive to be the best that you can be.

What da Vinci is basically saying is that without motivation and passion to do the best that you can , you will struggle to be your best academically. It is therefore crucial in your commitment to studies and academic success to take the following brief thoughts on board:

  • MOTIVATION (EXTRINSIC and INTRINSIC) – genuine interest, enthusiasm and motivation are crucial aspects for  effective learning. If you are motivated this will fuel the retention of information because it has meaning. For example, if you are motivated to pass Mathematics to progress to enter a course at University, this is an example of extrinsic motivation, whereas intrinsic motivation, the desire to learn for its own sake rather than for external rewards, is a powerful driver of academic commitment.
  • FOCUSSED ATTENTION – if you are motivated it will be far easier to  focus and have concentrated attention.  This additional focused attention can lead to better comprehension and retention of knowledge.
  • RETENTION and RECALL – if you are motivated and focused, it is more likely that your memory will retain information for longer periods, and you can recall it as required.
  • LINK TO LONG-TERM SUCCESS – a commitment to studies is driven by a deep desire for knowledge and often leads to long-term success. It encourages a commitment to be a lifelong learner. Individuals with a strong desire for learning are more likely to achieve academic and career success as they are motivated to continually acquire new knowledge and skills.

In closing, a commitment to learning is closely tied to the motivation to understand and explore the subject matter, leading to enhanced memory retention, greater engagement, and long-term success in one’s academic journey. I wish you all every success as your continue with in your immediate task.



Staffing – Our thoughts and prayers are with Mrs Kamany, Mr D Thaver and family at this time as they come to terms with the very sudden and sad passing of her husband. Please hold them in your prayers.


Sport – Congratulations to all our sporting codes on their excellent results v Glenwood.
Full results are here.


I wish you all a very successful and rewarding week

Pro Aris et Focis
