Providing top-quality education to boys from Form 2 to Form 6, we draw on our long and proud tradition, as well as our dynamic and forward-thinking ethos.
All Form 2 boys start boarding in Nathan’s. They are introduced to College’s ethos by experienced house staff and prefects. In this protective environment, they learn the ropes as juniors.
Boys then proceed as Third Formers to one of the three senior houses – the famous Clark’s, Hudson’s, or Shepstone’s, where they will remain until the end of their Form 5 year, gaining a few privileges along the way.
If he is selected to be a prefect at the end of his Form 5 year, a boy will remain in his house for his Form 6 year. The rest of the Sixth Formers re-join all their old friends from Nathan’s days in Elliott House for their final year at the school where they enjoy purpose-built facilities, adult routines, and a range of privileges.
Become a boarder at KwaZulu-Natal’s oldest boys’ school. Join us to experience College’s exciting boarder culture.
“Doing this for our third time, we are so very grateful that he is probably the happiest we have seen him in a long time.
I really believe in the way College does their settling-in/isolation period and feel so sad for those in other schools who do not have this unique opportunity to really entrench themselves in their high school and then bail on the boarding idea too early. I realise not every child has the energy and enthusiasm Luke has (I’ve always said if I could bottle half of his energy and sell it I would have already paid off his international tertiary education) however all the boys at College have the opportunity to feel all the ‘feels’ miss home and find his ‘comfort’ to lose his keys and get his spare, be sick and be comforted in San, get lost in the academic block and find someone to show him the way and even befriend the staff in the College Shoppe or in the kitchen, with no help from Mum and Dad. This will ensure our 2nd formers truly believe they can do this and can be excited for their days ahead at College.
Thank you for all you do for our boys. ”