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How to apply to Maritzburg College

Step 1

Before starting the online application process, please read the admissions process for the year you would like your son to start at MC by clicking on the relevant button below.

Please download and save this document to refer to throughout your son’s assessment process.
It should answer any queries you have.

Before starting the online application process, please read the admissions process for the year you would like your son to start at MC by clicking on the relevant button below.

Please download and save this document to refer to throughout your son’s assessment process.
It should answer any queries you have.

Step 2

Apply for the year you would like your son to start at Maritzburg College by clicking the relevant button below.

Once you have submitted your online application, you will receive a notification acknowledging receipt of your application and supporting documents via email.

Step 3

  • If you are applying for Grade 8, prior to the closing date, you will receive notification of acceptance/non-acceptance towards the end of April (for boarder applications) and the end of May (for day scholar applications).
  • Late Grade 8 applications will be assessed, once processed. Acceptance/non-acceptance will depend on whether (i) your son’s all-round ability meets our standards, and (ii) a place being available.
  • There is no closing date for Grades 9-12 applications. We will communicate with parents once we have processed the application.

Get Ready for College Life

Preparation for College life is an exciting time. School uniform requirements and textbook lists will be emailed to parents in advance of the start of the school term. Get in touch if you require any information before your son’s first day of school.

Feel free to visit our College Shoppe Online!

Important Admissions Information

Our admissions team at Maritzburg College aims to provide as much information as possible for you to have a seamless application process. Every year, we receive about 700 applications from over 160 schools and we can only accept around 40% of the day scholars and boarders who apply. Kindly take note of the following information:

  • Applications for Form 2 (Grade 8) open at the start of a boy’s Grade 6 year and close in December of his Grade 6 year.
  • Applications for Form 3 - 6 (Grade 9 - 12) may be made at any time of the year. Acceptance/ Non-Acceptance for the following year will only be confirmed in the Fourth Term.
  • No printed or emailed admissions will be accepted.
  • Late admissions will only be considered if places become available.
  • It is essential that you also apply to at least 2 other schools, as there is no guarantee that your son's application to Maritzburg College will be successful.

When To Apply?

Year of Entry Application Deadline Late Applications
2027 Applications 31 December 2025 Apply Now
2026 Applications LATE APPLICATION Apply Now
2025 Applications LATE APPLICATION Apply Now


Talk To The Admissions Team

For further information about Maritzburg College
Please contact the Marketing Department
Tel : 033 342 9376

Why Maritzburg College?

Combining tradition with a modern outlook, Maritzburg College provides a firm footing for the future of every boy.


School Fees

Invest in your son’s high school years and open a world of opportunity at Maritzburg College.



Maritzburg College provides exciting scholarship opportunities for boys who excel in academics, culture, and sport.


Get In Touch

Colour your school days in red, black, and white. Find out more about what’s on offer at College and let us help you find your place within these walls.


Is Your Son a Top Achiever?

If you are considering Maritzburg College for your son, click below to let us know more about his academic, cultural or sporting achievements.