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Headmaster’s Desk

News and Views from Our Headmaster

The Headmaster’s Desk is the best way to stay updated on what is happening throughout our school. Find out more about the themes covered in our weekly assemblies, staff, sport, and cultural news. The Headmaster’s Desk is the helm of leadership of our school. Get to know our Headmaster and the values he imparts as part of the greater school ethos by following this news channel – from desk to lectern to you.

Assembly 30 January 2023

Assembly 30 January Theme: Co-curricular Programme & Setting Goals
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From the Headmaster’s Desk: Assembly 23 January 2023

The assembly began with the traditional formal ending of the 2023 Borver Week. This was the ninth Borver Week that College has held and closes with a special ceremony, where the “Borvers” of 2023, who will eventually make up the 6th Form Class of 2027, are welcomed into the College family as “College boys” or...
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From the Headmaster’s Desk: 1st Dedication Assembly 2023

Maritzburg College held its first Dedication Assembly of 2023 in the Alan Paton Hall on Wednesday 18 January.
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From the Headmaster’s Desk: Parenting

Mr Luman addresses two key concerns for parents; the potentially severe health impact of vaping, and the detrimental impacts of social media. These concerns need to be acted upon by parents, staff, and especially boys, who are ultimately making the decisions. We, as adults, need to provide guidance and support, and at the same time,...
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