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Headmaster’s Desk

News and Views from Our Headmaster

The Headmaster’s Desk is the best way to stay updated on what is happening throughout our school. Find out more about the themes covered in our weekly assemblies, staff, sport, and cultural news. The Headmaster’s Desk is the helm of leadership of our school. Get to know our Headmaster and the values he imparts as part of the greater school ethos by following this news channel – from desk to lectern to you.

Assembly 1 August

The theme for this week’s character education programme is bullying and focusses on various aspects of bullying at the different forms. This theme followed on from last week’s focus which was Respect. “Bullying is not a reflection of the victim’s character, but rather a sign of the bully’s lack of character”
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Assembly 25 July

Last week we focused on the theme of respect and self-respect as well. You were addressed by an OC Mr Galtry on this topic as well and he also requested that we abide by these guidelines The theme for this week’s character education mentor programme is the core value and core tradition as per our...
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Start of Term 3: Dedication Assembly

Welcome back to all boys and staff and to our guests here today; namely Rev Collin Moore and Mr Devin Galtrey [OC1995] a member of MCOBA Executive and a current parent of two boys, who will address the school later in the assembly
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End of Term 2

We have come to the end of an extremely busy and demanding term, which has produced a number of challenges, as we worked through the expectations of a full co-curricular winter sport and cultural programme once again.
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Assembly – 23 May: Camaraderie

THEME OF THE WEEK – CAMARADERIE Quote: “Camaraderie doesn't happen by accident; developing a strong sense of trust, accountability, and togetherness around team goals requires intentional effort." - ~ Don Yaeger
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Assembly – 16 May: Time

THEME OF THE WEEK – STRENGTH Quote: “Strong people stand up for themselves, BUT the strongest people stand up for OTHERS.” ~ Anon
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Assembly – 9 May: Strength

THEME OF THE WEEK – STRENGTH Quote: “Strong people stand up for themselves, BUT the strongest people stand up for OTHERS.” ~ Anon
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Assembly – 2 May: Mothers & Encouragement

THEME OF THE WEEK – ENCOURAGEMENT & MOTHERS Quote: “It is much easier to criticize than to encourage, but an encouraging word can change someone’s life. “ ANONYMOUS “Mother: the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind. “ Kahlil Gibran
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Assembly – 25 April: Courage

THEME OF THE WEEK – COURAGE UNDER FIRE Quote: “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” – Nelson Mandela
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